Rob Rickets w a nice redfish off the Cedar Key big dock

Rob Rickets w a nice redfish off the Cedar Key big dock

Seth turned black Friday into Redfish Friday, that's 1 happy big man

Seth turned black Friday into Redfish Friday, that’s 1 happy big man

Cedar Key Florida Inshore Fishing Report
The speckled trout bite is on fire in 3 to 5 feet of water on the grass flat areas and the cuts near the oyster bars using popping corks with live shrimp, gulps or your favorite soft baits.
The Redfish are doing well too, more in afternoon on a rising tide near the islands and oyster bars using cut mullet, live shrimp, gulps or your favorite soft baits. The air boaters have started heading back to the creeks with the water temp dropping and doing very well.
A few Sheepshead have been caught as well as black drum and this will only get better as winter approaches.

Brian Kiel crew mate w nice gag

Brian Kiel crew mate w nice gag

Cedar Key Florida Offshore Fishing Report
The kings are still here in 28 to 40 feet of water over rocky and live bottom areas, using a free line with live blue runners or threadfins and frozen baits work too.
The gags are biting great in 28 to 45 feet of water using live and frozen baits, but they love cut mullet too. Fish more on rocky areas and live bottom and the artificial reefs n wrecks. The red grouper are biting good but most of them are still small, next year should be a great year for them. The red snapper and Amberjacks are plentiful, but you must release them unharmed. Amberjack seasons open back up January 1st, still fun to catch.
The sea bass and grunts (aka Florida snapper) are loving this cooler weather, just use squid or cut sardines on lite tackle it’s a lot of fun and they are great to eat.
The Sheepshead should be starting on the offshore rocks in January.

Till next time “Safe boating n tight lines”
Captain John Blouse“Hooked up Charters & Cedar Key Marina II”

cedar key fishing guideThis Cedar Key fishing report is from Cedar Key Fishing Guide Hookedup Charters
& Cedar Key Marina II, Cedar Key’s Full Service Marina.

Cedar Key Marina from the air