It’s been a while since I’ve been over there. The guide I used to use doesn’t do the report any more. If you know anyone and it doesn’t have to be a guide that can give a report, that would be great!
Also I keep the older reports on here for a record of previous fishing conditions and the dates they occurred, some people like that.
I do have to admit that new reports need to be added and the last fishing report from that area was was too long ago! Stienhatchee is a great place with great people.
This site has a lot of potential but you need to get a new reporter for steinhatchee, last report 10-2016
It’s been a while since I’ve been over there. The guide I used to use doesn’t do the report any more. If you know anyone and it doesn’t have to be a guide that can give a report, that would be great!
Also I keep the older reports on here for a record of previous fishing conditions and the dates they occurred, some people like that.
I do have to admit that new reports need to be added and the last fishing report from that area was was too long ago! Stienhatchee is a great place with great people.
Thanks for the post