When you use a guide, you’ll just walk on the boat & go! A Guide Will Put You On Fish, that’s their job.
Originally published 1/1/2012: updated 1/9/2014, 3/27/2019:
This isn’t an advertisement guides or for any particular guide. It’s just good common sense for learning more about fishing and making life easier. Here’s 25 plus reasons to hire a fishing guide.
A guide will save you TIME by …
- letting you spend your time fishing or sleeping rather than prepping boats
- not having to
- stop and put gas into your boat
- stop and put extra gas into your truck, suv or car to tow your boat
- round up bait … ever had to go to several places to find bait?
- do the dreaded clean up of your boat after your fishing trip.
- letting you sleep in while your guide does the dirty work.
- being a quick way for you to learn about the local fishing and water conditions. (It can take several weeks, months, or years if you do it yourself).
YEP, a guide will save you time & MONEY with “no” …
- boat payments
- fuel bill
- boat maintenance
- boat insurance
- boat registrations
- boating equipment to buy and maintain
- boating gear to buy and maintain
- boat tags
- boat permits or licenses
- tackle to buy and maintain
- bait to buy
- need for storage facilities for your boat
- and one to grow on ……..
A guide offers peace of mind & mental health with “no” …
- … more bothering your friends or laying on a couch paying someone to listen to you tell them wants worrying you.
- worrying about safety equipment,
- worrying about breakdowns from your boat being parked to long.
- worrying about navigating dangerous or unfamiliar waters
- worrying about sea conditions, weather etc
- psychological problems caused by $250 a month or more payments for a boat you see parked for 3, 6 or 9 months.
- convulsions or dry heaves from writing insurance payments for a boat you see parked for 3, 6 or 9 months.
Why do many guides hire guides when they go on vacation and why you should too!
- they are fishing new or unfamiliar waters.
- fishing techniques change with geographical areas and they like to learn these new techniques.
- they get real-time info on what is biting, when and what its biting, and how its biting.
- they want someone else to do the work.
No matter if fishing freshwater of saltwater, a guide will put you on fish.
This list was made mostly by Oklawaha Fishing Guide, Captain Nick Bozman his fishing cohorts and a little bit by OutdoorUpdate.com.
Originally published 1/1/2012: updated 1/9/2014, 3/27/2019
Too true. I’ve known several people over the years that have sold their fishing boats and used guides and they’re glad they did, almost to the point of bragging about it. If you only go fishing every so often a guide may be the best option. Especially if you split the cost with family or friends.
Yep, two of my old bosses did that, they sold their offshore boats and started using guides.