Cedar Key Inshore Fishing Report
The redfish have been hitting good all around the bars and islands using live shrimp & mud minnows or fresh cut mullett. There also has been alot of tarpoon caught, using live pinfish or mullett. The trout have been slow but are being caught in healthy sizes using same baits as for redfish and be pateint.
The water temp is hot but with these heavy rains the fishing could get alot better here fast. And of coarse the sharks are everywere and they are easy to catch and fun to fight. Just find ya a good spot in 7-16′ of water and drop a chum bag over and start fishing.
Cedar Key offshore Fishing Report
The gag and red groupers’ are in season now. But they are still slow to bite for us. The best bite seems to be from 40 to 55′ of water on hard bottom areas. We have caught some gags in 25-30 ft as well but its been slow.
The sea bass and grunts are plentiful using squid. The cobia & kingfish are becoming scarice too but should be back in September & October.