Freshwater report/ OK./Silver River

Thank you T.S. Fay;
Since T.S. Fay made landfall last week, the O.K. river has been overflowing its banks for the first time in many months.Bass fishing in general had been slow for the past several weeks or so , or at least it had been in my world, and I ‘d  kinda been expecting it to improve after this new influx of water…
Well, Sunday 8/31 we fished the river and bagged 27 Bass using 3 dozen wild shinners, in 2 and1/2 hours!  5 of the 27 fish were over 6 lbs.

Silver River Snagged

The Silver River remains severely blocked due to downed tree’s and huge snags.

Contact your local Army Corps or Saint Johns Water Management office to voice your concerns.


“The squeaky wheel gets the grease”!




The peace and quiet of the river, the cast of the rod, the strike, and the sound of your voice saying,

"I Got One",

ringing across the water and into the forest.

This is fishing with Slick Charters!

Visit our website, and check us out!
Or Go Ahead & Call Today To Go Fishing With Captain Nick!!
352-236-3955 / 352-817-7818