cedar-key-marina-galmour-shotA Cedar Key Fishing Report

From Cedar Key Marina

Called Don today to see whats up in Cedar Key. As you can guess business is slow just like it is up and down the gulf coast.

However fishing is good to great for this time of year. John Blouse with Hookedup Charters went out to 60-70 feet of water before the new year and caught 13, but the new regulations will likely put many offshore fishing guides out off business. The economy and the new regs are beating the guides down.

Don and other guides have told me that you can go off shore and lose all the grouper you want to Goliath Grouper, they’ll eat a 25 lb. grouper in a heart beat. They can wipe out a reef and stories abound of guides that have a good bite grouper fishing with the fish half way up and all off a sudden the line goes slack, everything is gone.

But the good news is that Trout fishing is good from Cedar Key toward Waccasassa and a lot of big Reds are coming from that area also.

The Tide had blow the water out and Air boats were the way to go to get big fish but that has changed.

Don said it amazes him how many Sheep Head have been biting at the Cedar Key pier on Fiddler Crabs and Shrimp.

Now is a great time to visit Cedar Key to go fishing and site see. The weather is cool and the restaurants are ready with some great food.