Here I sit at the desk looking out the window at my pond. It’s a beautiful day, it’s an admin day, and like any other business, however small, one must do paperwork and pay bills.
Last week the Trout bite was like a summertime bite, slow on shallow flats, and slow to good on the deeper flats (6-10 feet). I don’t look for the change unless we have another front bring us a cool down. The closer to summer we get, the less impact fronts have on us. I included a picture of a customer, Carl, holding a 10 pound Jack Crevalle he caught on Trout tackle. This is what you can expect in May as I mentioned in my last report, a variety of species. You can have non stop action all day.
I also included two Trout photos, one about 8 inches and one 23 inches. I am not sure if it was the mild winter, but have caught more of these very small fish than I ever remember. And not just me, every one is experiencing this. Which brings me to a point, do everything you can to handle gently and release unharmed.
If you fish with GULPs, FEEL for your jig often, so you will detect the fish, however small, set the hook, reel them in and release. GULP is a great bait, but it kills more short Trout by gut hooking than anything else I know. I know this sounds silly to some, but concentrate during the retrieve, in the long run it will make you a better fisherman and you’ll kill less under size Trout.
Redfishing this week will be better than last, we have better tides to work with. Reds are still bunched up making them easy to miss, it also makes them more agressive. Have fun be safe.
GOD BLESS, Good Fishing and Be Safe
This Steinhatchee Fishing Report is from Steinhatchee, Fishing Guide Captain Steve Kroll