High winds have kept us from any saltwater trips recently. I have received a report or two from a few “die hard anglers”.
For the most part, the fishing was slow. A Redfish here and there.
On the other hand, several huge Black Drum,, between 30 and 80 lbs., were taken around the mouth of the Withalacoochee River entrance, on cut mullett.
Also on Monday (9/8), Doug Bruce of Ocala reported a large school of these bruisers tailing around the shallow oyster bars in the Withalacoochee reefs area. He claimed they threw everything but the kitchen sink at them, but they just wouldn’t bite.
High water temps, flat tides, and wind ruled the region this week, but I expect the upcoming full moon, extreme tides, and a favorable weather forecast to get those big reds schooled up ready for the taking.
Think we will be Drum fishing next week.