Hey Florida Gulf Coast Fans,
Scallop season is here! A week early, thanks to the State. By all accounts the supply is very good. The Game and Fish survey done a few weeks ago said the scallop fishery was healthy. Recreational scallopers had no trouble gathering limits of the shellfish this last weekend. Clear water on the flats is making it easier as well, in both directions out of the Steinhatchee River.
So load the kids and your mask and snorkels, come on over. Bring your boat or hire a guide. There are several good Captains to take you and your group. Be careful when operating around other boats, especially when they have a diver down flag displayed.
Speckled Trout fishing is in the usual summer time pattern, shallow early and deep the rest of the day if not all day. Last month I talked about the slow presentation, which is necessary to catch the deep flat Trout.
Redfish continue to be for the most dedicated of fisherman, somedays it is a true hunting trip. Got to love the hunt!
I have included a photo of a Cobia, now we catch quite few on the flats while trout fishing, but one this size on trout tackle makes it more than a bonus fish. It was 35 pounds +.
GOD Bless and Good Fishing
This Steinhatchee Fishing Report
is from Steinhatchee, Florida Fishing Guide Captain Steve Kroll

A Nice Late June Steinhatchee Redfish

What A Bonus Fish, A 35+ pound Cobia Caught On Light Tackle

Scallop Season Is Here, The Fishery Is Healthy & The Numbers Are Good