Sure we’re concerned about oil messing up our paradise. We are preparing for the worst and hoping and praying for the best.
Looking at the closure map, the closest oil is more than 150 miles away.
The Governor opened Scallop season 12 days early, Thanks to Pam Wessels (Chairman of our Chamber of Commerce Board), she wrote a letter to Gov. Christ and the Taylor County Board of Commissioners.
In the meantime, we’re fishing and scalloping. And booking more trips. My scallop calender is not where it should be for this time year. I know that many folks are taking a wait and see position, or planning vacations elsewhere. I certainly understand, but I would like to let everyone I speak to know that we’re here, and the water’s fine and the fish and scallops are fine too.
Ann, myself and family picked up 7 gals Sunday after Church and they shucked out a heavy 4 lbs of meat.
Speckled Trout and Redfish have been in their normal summertime patterns.
The Trout bite has been best deep, 6-12 feet.
Redfish bite has been best early, in the usual places, also on morning high tides when access is best and water is at it’s lowest of the day.
Thanks For Checking In, Pray For Our Coast If You Will.
God Bless and Good Fishing & Scalloping
This Steinhatchee Fishing Report is from Steinhatchee Fishing Guide Captain Steve Kroll

Steinhatchee Reds Make Everyone Smile

Dan & Mark With A Nice bag of Steinhatchee, Florida Scallops