Cedar Key Inshore Fishing Report
The Speckled Trout bite has been on fire in the grass flats behind snake key, in front of north key, behind north an in dead man’s channel. Using popping corks, your favorite plastic baits, live or frozen shrimp and small live pinfish seem best in 3-5′ of water.
The Redfish bite is on too and seems best with cut mullet, finger mullet or mudminnows and shrimp. We use a knocker rig or just a jig head and fish the bottom near the oyster bars, banks, islands and cuts and also look for grassy sand bars. If you’re getting hung up a lot, switch to a popping cork w/short leader to just keep you off the oysters and pop it and they will come.
The mackerel been hitting in same area as trout, fishing the same way. The sharks are plentiful, the cobia are patrolling around to, so be ready, have an extra spinning rod ready to cast to them as they come near you then hang on.
There has been a few triple tail caught too, look around the markers, crab floats or and debris floating, they love shrimp, just cast in front of them, without spooking them, they will nail it.
The pier fishing has been good too, plenty of people catching all sorts of fish from the pier.
Cedar Key Offshore Fishing Report
The Grouper have been biting good, we been releasing them but come Monday it’s a different story, from 40′ to 80′ on good hard -live bottom and the wreck. They are hitting all frozen & live baits.
The Snapper have been biting good and we been releasing thme also, but come the 1st of June for Capt. John and the 11th for recreational fisherman it’s gonna be different story.
The King Mackerel are still here in 30′ to 55′ of water and the Cobia have been around as well around the wrecks, ledges and good structure bottom areas.
We always put a flat line out back while bottom fishing for Grouper, we catch Snapper, Kings & Cobia that way.
All these fish will eat live bait, fresh cut bait and frozen baits. I notice the grouper will get a little picky as the water temp heats up.
Come on down and enjoy the fun.

Trust God n Be Blessed
Captain John Blouse“Hooked up Charters & Cedar Key Marina II”
This Cedar Key fishing report is from Cedar Key Fishing Guide Hookedup Charters
& Cedar Key Marina II, The Big Bends Full Service Marina.