slick-charters-saltwater-glamour-shotYes lemonade, although we are in the middle of what is called the “Dog Days of Summer”, there are still fish to be caught around the Levy/Citrus County coasts. As a matter of fact, if you’re looking for numbers, and aren’t picky about the species, it’s an especially great time of year for the young anglers.

There are an abundance of what we consider ”by catch” that will keep the kids busy for hours.?Also, these fish are just a?short ride from the dock, provide non-stop action, and come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Most experienced anglers might not be to enthused about fishing for these “non-targeted” species, but just ask any 12 year old if he or she wants to go SHARK fishing and watch the reaction.

Presently the Big Bend area is loaded with several varieties of Sharks, as well as Spanish Mackerel, Catfish, Jack Cravelles, Sting Rays, and more.

Let’s take these lemons and make lemonade!

A Yankee Town, Florida and Crystal River Florida Fishing Report
From Gulf Coast Fishing Guide Captain Nick

Call Crystal River, Florida & Yankeetown Fishing Guide Captain Nick of Slickcharters for more information about putting fish in your cooler in Crystal River and Yankeetown, Florida

The peace and quiet of the river, the cast of the rod, the strike, and the sound of your voice saying,

"I Got One",

ringing across the water and into the forest.

This is fishing with Slick Charters!

Visit our website, SlickCharters.net and check us out!
Or Go Ahead & Call Today To Go Fishing With Captain Nick!!
352-236-3955 / 352-817-7818