The Grouper fishing season on the Gulf of Mexico will officially close on October 31, and is scheduled to re-open on July 1, 2013. Grouper regulations, closed seasons, catch limits, etc., have changed so often over the past couple of years that it is hard to keep up with them. Don’t rely on current issues of Florida Salt Water Fishing Regulations. It’s obsolete by the time it becomes available. Best bet is to go to for the latest info.

The Trout and Red Fish bite has been very good over the past month or so, although I expect our recent cold front to slow them down a bit. Look for the Trout to move into the deeper pockets of water as the water temps drop. The creek mouths, river entrances, and potholes will soon be your best bet for filling that cooler.

‘Til next time…see you on the Gulf!
Good Luck
Captain Nick
This Yankeetown & Big Bend Fishing Report is from Yankeetown Florida Fishing Guide Captain Nick
The peace and quiet of the river, the cast of the rod, the strike, and the sound of your voice saying,

"I Got One",

ringing across the water and into the forest.

This is fishing with Slick Charters!

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352-236-3955 / 352-817-7818