Author Topic: Making the Ruger 77 Hawkeye bolt action smooth  (Read 17233 times)

Offline Flatlander

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I decided to do a little project. I bought a 270 Ruger 77 hawkeye and my father bought a 308 winchester feather weight so I thought I'd try to compare the two.
Right off hand the Ruger kept the 3 shot groups at one hundred yards to 1" to 1.5" depending on the shooter(me) with the inexpensive winchester 270 130gr power points. But I'm sure that someone with better skills than me could do a better job.
Even though I've shot the 308, I haven't tried to see how small I could get the groups. But the thing that impressed me was the smoothness of the operation of the bolt compared to the Ruger, the Ruger seems clunky and loud while the winchester flows back and forth like it loves it's job.
I'm going try to get the Ruger bolt as smooth as the Winchester, I'll take the ruger to a gun smith and see if I can get the bolt to be a little smoother and quieter. I'll update this post as I get the info.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2012 by Flatlander »

Offline bellrifleman

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Try working the bolt (a lot) to see if that helps,

Offline Flatlander

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I am, first I'm going to just work the bolt back and forth in my spare time.

Offline Flatlander

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So what I ended up doing was setting down, watching TV of course and for a couple of weeks off and on for a few minutes at each setting I cycled the action. Now to me the action seems to be a lot smother.