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Topic Summary

Posted by: Flatlander
« on: Dec 14, 2012 »

Here's a link to some photos of gun accidents I placed in our photo album

Gun Accidents

Posted by: Flatlander
« on: Dec 14, 2012 »

The results of loading a 308 into a 25-06 and pulling the trigger, this picture and quote are from a forum on the internet and is in our photo album. "The rifle is a Browning A-Bolt. The shooter came away with minor injuries. He was/is a very lucky individual and he was not a beginner at the sport at the time".

I thought it was intersting and it's easy to do, say you're shooting both calibers and or you just got through shooting one and you starting another and you load the 308 into the 25-06, there goes your day.