Here is a Steinhatchee Fishing Report originally from Captain Steve Kroll and published on our Saltwater Fishing Reports blog.
The only thing better than fishing on Monday, is fishing on Tuesday of course. Here in Steinhatchee we've had at least one tournament every Saturday since March. The community benefits from them, so don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, but you do look forward to seemingly having the place to your self on weekdays.
Speckled Trout fishing has been good on shallow and deeper flats, my favorite is shallow, so I'll start with that. Using mostly cutbait under corks, my parties and I have been able to catch limits most days. The days when we lose the breeze and therefore lose drift, we'll move to deeper flats (6-10 feet) and have been able to find Trout there as well, slow bouncing jigs on the bottom.
Large Specks are being caught in both deep and shallow. Also the deeper flats will give you a much greater level of activity, sharks, sea bass, bluefish, ladyfish and the like, which can be important to those with shorter attention spans. The deeper flats are a great place to take the kids to get their string pulled.
Redfish are starting to show much better in the usual places, hard bottom, creek mouths and points. Jigs, spoons and cutbait will do the job here. There are still some scattered on the shallow flats as well. Tarpon and keeper size Cobia have also shown up on the flats off the Dixie and Taylor County coast.
Sure it's hot in June, but so the fishing, come see us!
This Steinhatchee Fishing Report is from
Steinhatchee, Fishing Guide &
Steinhatchee Scallop Guide Captain Steve Kroll.
Below are some redfish caught on some recent trips with Pepperfishkey Charters.