Author Topic: How well are the trout biting from the Steinhatchee to the Horseshoe Beach area?  (Read 8233 times)

Offline beerman15

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How well are the trout biting from the Steinhatchee to Horseshoe Beach and how about the redfish too?
Aren't shrimp the best bait for trout?

Offline Flatlander

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beer,  fishing is great on the grass flats near steinhatchee and to horseshoe and the steinhatchee fishing reports I've seen seem to indicate that this is true for everyone talking about catching fish.

As far as bait goes I've always liked cajun thunder with shrimp under it. I think I'm like most people, I'm a live or natural bait type guy. I remember asking Don Smith the old owner if Cedar Key Marina who past away last January what caught the most inshore fish in Cedar Key and he told me he believes about 80% of the people use shrimp because at the time that was what he was selling, about 80% shrimp. However if you go to the Seahag or River Haven Marina in Steinhatchee they'll tell you they sell a lot of gulps too. I haven't talked to John Blouse the current owner of Cedar Key Marina about what most people are using but he sent in a cedar key fishing report about a month ago and it mentioned cajun thunder, shrimp and gulps.

I'll see if I can get Capt. Steve of pepperfish key charters to chime in and give some more detail he guides out of Steinhatchee
« Last Edit: May 12, 2011 by Flatlander »

Offline pepperfishkey

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    • Pepperfish Key Charters
Trout is good now and they'er hanging out in the deeper flats, 6-12 feet deep. The shallow flats will still produce trout in the morning till about 9 or 10 and then they seem to quit, at which time I usually will move to the deeper flats or hunt Redfish. Redfish seem to not be bothered by heat heat and sun so much. In summer fish for them in the usual places, rocky and hard bottom areas, marsh points and creek mouths.
Shrimp may or maynot be the best but alot of people use them and a Cajun Thunder and shrimp combo works great. I've been using Bass Assassin Kwik Cork rigs with cut pinfish in the shallows and slow hopping jigs with Salt Water Assassins in the deeper flats.