Go Deep if You Want to keep

To Go Fishing in Cedar Key Call Hookedup Charters

To Go Fishing in Cedar Key Call Hookedup Charters

Cedar Key Fishing Report for 7-31, 8-1, 8-2 Saturday, The weather was a little hairy in the am, but it ended up turning out nice.

We started fishin in 45 ft, the grouper were biting good, but there were a lot of shorts, and mostly red grouper.

We then tried 55 ft, got few keepers there, but there sure are a ton of 19 inch red grouper out there. moved out to 70 ft and got the same results, talked to a few more guides and they had the same story.

Sunday, weather was perfect, I had a “sreach for new spots charter“, so we never went any deeper than 55 ft, caught a few keeper reds and 1 gag, but still another day of non stop short grouper, saw alot of bait pods, turtles, good bottom, also tried 38 ft on the way back in, you could barely get your line to the bottom before the red grouper were on your hook, all short but very fat and heavy.

I heard from another guide, who went to 80+ ft and did well with gags, reds and a few red snapper. So you can all the fun you want in close, but most of the keepers right now with these temperatures are out deeper.

Hope You Have Good Luck in All That You Do
Captain John

Call Cedar Key Grouper Guide Captain John of Hookedup Charters
for more information about putting fish in the boat and on the table.


Cedar Key Marina from the air