Cedar Key’s September Inshore Fishing Report
The Redfish are on fire, we’re using shrimp or cut mullet on a knocker rig or just a 1/4 oz jig head, fishing up close to the islands, oyster bars, cuts, and some grass patches. North key and Deadman’s key are a pretty safe bet.
The Triple Tail have been biting great this year too around the markers, crab pots and pvc poles. Use shrimp on just a jug head, cast it right up on a pole. If you see them cats just out in front of them but try not to spook them.
Its Snook Season too,they seem to love live Pinfish or large shrimp around the same areas as Redfish plus the deep cuts near sand bars.The trout are biting ok, not as great when its hot, try the deeper grass flats and out off seahorse reef, in the grass area in 5-8’ of water, using live shrimp or you favorite plastic baits.
The Spanish mackerel are around too, so be prepared.
Fishing is good and only gonna get better as the fall approaches.
Cedar Key’s September Offshore Fishing Report
The Gag Grouper are biting pretty good in 35-60’ and the rocky hard bottom area’s are best. We have been starting in 35’ and working our way out, seems closer rock piles there’s plenty of them but a lot of just short keepers.
The Red Grouper are shut down till January but that’s okay, they need some help to rebound.
The Amberjacks’s are open till the end of October and they love live pinfish,fish around the wrecks and heavy structures in 60-95’, there’s plenty of them.
The Kings should be here too. We usually keep a flat line out while bottom fishing and get a bonus King or Cobia at the same time.
If your going deeper the mangroves, vermilions and yellow tail snappers are plentiful, we usually use a chicken rig, small hooks, with squid and it works great, plus put out a chum bag, we weight ours down about 30’.
Come on down and enjoy the fun.
Captain John’s 2021 Cedar Key Fishing Report
Till next time “Safe boating n tight lines”
Trust God n Be Blessed
Captain John Blouse“Hooked up Charters”
This Cedar Key fishing report is from Cedar Key Fishing Guide Hookedup Charters